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Golden Lines

Fire and Ice

Short Film

Film Production / CGI & Compositing / Audio & Sound

Poetic Apocolypse

2021. This is year two of the pandemic. Worldwide we see people daily losing their lives, not only because of the pandemic but also due to civil unrest, discontent, public uprisings, political strife, and hardships beyond measure. What have we become? What happened to us? It has been challenging to say the least, but we are now on the precipice of rethinking humanity - and with this project, I the young filmmaker, will have the opportunity to tell a unique story,

Any medium can be used; film, motion graphics, animation, or a mixture of all of these, as a class will be telling different individual stories, all relating to this year's theme:

Poetic Apocolypse:10x10

Any motion or moving picture technique can be chosen - be it actual video shot on your mobile phone or device, motion graphic, animation, stop frame, rotoscoping, or a combination of these.

The narrative of the film had to be a poem of my choice that deals with the apocalypse or end times;

Each film would need to consist out of 10 Shots , 10 Scenes or 10 compositions

Each shot or scene cannot be longer than 10 seconds,

When stitched together the piece of the film should not exceed one minute and forty seconds (1:40).

The poem should be read as the narrative Voice-Over for the film.

The content of the film and the content of the chosen poem needs to relate in some form or another.

For the score (music) I was allowed to make use of music that was sans copyright and allowed to be used without attribution.

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

-Robert Frost

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