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Golden Lines


3D Game Development / Game Design

3D Environment Creation / 3D Game Design / Visual Scripting Development

Demonstrate the technical fundamentals of game design such as sprites, levels, gaming goals and objectives, gameplay, narrative and character development, game environments, camera tracking, and game achievements;

Form an informed opinion and build an argument surrounding the importance of a marketing plan for the games which will include fundamentals such as target audiences, current competition, delivery options, product pricing, logo design and strategies to launch independent games;

Understand the basics of game development platforms such as Unity.

Understand how basic physics concepts like gravity, acceleration, velocity, speed, trajectory, Newton’s Laws of Motion, force & elasticity are used in mobile game application development;

Be able to reinforce advanced visual communications principles in the execution of game design user interfaces and how these complement the user experience;

Follow technical and increasingly complex programming instructions in order and detail;

Troubleshoot games to fix bugs and ensure performance;

Use gained technical skills to create, design & program original platformer styled games.

From the Brief

A new 2D platformer game franchise with new game goals and game objectives; which is based on the traditional principles of a 2D platformer game;

New character designs for a hero for your game which will include a character sprite sheet for all the major movements of the character;

All enemies, collectibles, puzzles, and environments to complete one playable continuous scrolling platform game level;

All the UI elements which include: • Title design;
• Launch Screen;
• a working Menu Screen;
• Head-Up Display for your game (HUD);

And yes, the game level has to be playable for at least 3 minutes - consider things such as difficulty, opponents, obstacles etc.

Taking it a step Further!

Because I am heavily invested into 3D work, and wanted to further develop my skills in this depertment, I decided to chalenge myself and embark on creating a 3D game instead of a 2D Platformer.This meant teaching myself a ton of Unity Visual Scripting to apply to my game, and at the same time made me work on building open world environments and 3D modelling and sculting heaps more than previous projects.

Main Story

The game is built on the basis of a fantasy world which is to be discovered. The world above the clouds, Aeolia. The concept of Aeolia is of Greek Mythology and was thought to be the birth-place of the Wind. It was believed to be a floating island in the sky, high above the clouds.

A young man sets out to find Aeolia, and starts his adventure by climbing to the highest mountaintop, breaking through the clouds. There he finds his first obstacle and encounter with the guardians of these mystical islands.

The guardians of Aeolio are rock creatures, formed from the floating rocks in the sky which small pieces have broken off. The power which holds these islands afloat is called Kaos, said to be the power which lives between heaven and earth, this power will also allow the character to advance in his journey if he can learn how to control it.

The islands of Aeolia are said to hold many secrets and great power. The young man seeks to use this power to end a long-lasting drought back on Earth which has engulfed vast landscapes.

AEOLIA (What does it mean?)

Aeolus was the divine keeper of the winds and king of the mythical, floating island of Aiolia (Aeolia).
-Greek Mythology

Software Used

The Design and Visual Elements of the game were made in Cinema 4D and painted and textured using C4D UV painting.
All animations by character were done using Mixamo and integrated in C4D.

The coding and back-end was done using Unity Game Engine and the Visual Scripting feature was made use of.

Particle simulations were done using Unity’s built in particle generator.